This unique trek is an experience of the Mississippi River in the Fall and of you. Our personal Captain Beth Anderson will guide us on a relaxing adventure of the one of the Greatest Rivers in our country. While exploring the nature of the River we will explore the nature of ourselves.
Here is what to expect…
Monday – Arrival and getting to know each other
Tuesday – Get to know the river
Wednesday – Hit a sand bar or two
Thursday – Return to land
Our adventures are as much about exploring you as they are the nature. You are nature, and we are getting back to being you. There are many undiscovered things going on inside of you. This is a chance to take a look deeply into you…
- With the support of other amazing women
- Exploring your own nature – spirituality
- Time to think freely and openly
- To bounce ideas off of others
- A time to get clarity in your life and your direction
- A time to just be free to be you…no make-up or hairdo’s to worry about, no judgement from others
- Simply to BE
Your Experience includes:
- The Passion Test visioning process (a $3,000 value)
- Personal coaching throughout the week
- All the activities and rental fees
- All meals (possibly one dinner ashore, paid for separately upon group approval)
- Accommodations for 2 people/room. Bring your own roommate or we will assign one for you.
You will want to bring:
- Appropriate clothing and swimwear (we will send you recommendations)
- All your own toiletries, bath towels, and beach towel if you wish
- Beverages of your choice or snacks if you have specific needs or preferences
- Cell phones: optional
AND most important an open heart and an open mind to enjoy the adventure…You’d be surprised at what you will learn?
Our guarantee is that you will learn about yourself, something new, even major breakthroughs to unlock the key to your future, your destiny.
Some pictures from other years….